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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Seeking Alpha Covered Call articles

Rocco Pendola - Options Investing Newsletter

Salvador N Lara - Option Sellers Beware

** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Seeking Alpha Covered Call Article by CFA Institute

Seeking Alpha has published the following article by the CFA Institute covering covered call strategy.


** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

7 weeks left until current Alcoa trade ends Code Orange

There are 7 weeks left on the current Alcoa trade. The trade is currently trading Code Orange. The stock closed the week at $10.43. That is a rise of $0.26 from last week. The March $11.00 call ask price closed the week at $0.29. That is a rise of $0.06 since the trade was initiated earlier this week.

** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Seeking Alpha Covered Call Article (Mark Bertolin)

The following authors posted articles on Seeking Alpha regarding covered call trades:

Mark Bertolin - 2012 Performance Challenge/Above the money Companies mentioned in article include Cooper Companies (coo), Gold ETF (gld), Altria (mo), and Freeport McMoran (fcx).

** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Covered Call article from Allen Ellman on Seeking Alpha

Allan Ellman posted the following article on Seeking Alpha regarding timing in selling calls:

Constructing Your Covered Call Portfolio During Earnings Season

New Trade in Alcoa

Sell The Call has made a new trade in Alcoa. The March $11.00 call has been sold for $0.23 before commissions. The stock is currently at $10.17.  The trade is currently Code Orange.

** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Current Alcoa trade ends Code Orange

The current Alcoa trade has ended. The Jan $12.50 call expired worthless. The trade ended Code Orange with the stock closing the week at $10.17. Sell The Call still owns the shares of Alcoa. Sell The Call will go back into the market and sell another call.

 ** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Doubling Dividends with Covered Calls

Here is an article from The Market Oracle explaining how you can use covered call trades to double your dividends.


 ** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Born To Sell Nominated for Award

Born To Sell, an investment software company focusing on the covered call strategy, has been nominated for a design award from the FWA for its website. The San Francisco Chronicle story link is below:

Born To Sell Award Nomination

**Sell The Call is an affiliate of and publishes newsletters from Born To Sell. ***

Seeking Alpha article on Covered Call Assignment

Seeking Alpha has published an article from Allan Ellman covering early exercise of options for covered call.

 ** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

1 week remaining on current Alcoa trade Code Orange

There is 1 week remaining on the current Alcoa trade. The trade is currently Code Orange. The stock closed the week at $9.80 . That is a rise of $0.64 . The Jan $12.50 call ask price remained unchanged at $0.01.

If the call expires worthless, Sell The Call will go into the options market and sell another call. As Alcoa normally gives out their quarterly dividend in February, Sell The Call will be able to receive another (2nd) dividend payment.

** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Seeking Alpha article mentioning Celsion

Seeking Alpha posted an article written by Chemistfrog that includes Celsion.

** Disclaimer** - Sell The Call is simply posting information. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell any of the securities above. Do your due diligence before investing as there is risk to all investments.

Friday, January 6, 2012

2 weeks until current Alcoa trade expires Code Orange

There are 2 weeks left in the current Alcoa trade. The trade is currently Code Orange. This week the stock closed at $9.16. That is a rise of $0.51 from last week. The Jan $12.50 call is unchanged at $0.02.

Earnings for Alcoa's recent quarter will be released on Monday after the close of the markets.

- Don't forget to visit the web page for Sell The Call, like our Sell The Call Facebook Page and follow our Sell The Call Twitter page and our Sell The Call Stocktwits page!

- This information is not to be used as a recommendation to buy or sell. It is simply information and opinions. Before investing, please consult a financial professional. Sell The Call takes no responsibility for any losses or gains that occur from trades using its material.

- The account does not fully divulge all information (the size of shares bought and calls sold) on open trades. This is for protection of the trade. Please feel free to contact us and Sell The Call will answer any questions made. 

- If you have any info regarding covered call trading, be sure to comment or send an email. The goal of the blog is to collaborate so that we all can accumulate wealth with the help of selling calls. Please pass the blog address to others that might find some value from it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Born To Sell Newsletter

This is the latest edition to the Born To Sell Newsletter. For more information on Born To Sell, click on the link.

 Increased Returns With Less Volatility
The Wall Street Journal ran an article in early December showing the benefits of covered calls. It states:
"There is one way to steady a stock portfolio without unloading shares, however: an options strategy known as "covered calls." The idea is to collect extra income now in exchange for giving up potential gains later."
The article included this graphic to make its point about lower volatility:
covered options
To read the full artilce, see Options for Nervous Investors on
Barron's Likes Covered Calls
A recent article in Barron's points out what a winning strategy covered calls have been: "The simple strategy known as the "buy-write" or "covered call" was proven in 2011 to make a silk purse from a sow's ear. In 2011, when the Standard & Poor's 500 Index exhibited tremendous volatility, only to finish the year at roughly the same place that it began, the Chicago Board Options Exchange's BuyWrite Index (BXM) rose 5.7%."
It is also worth pointing out what they said about Born To Sell a few months ago: "A terrific tool for those who generate income by selling calls against existing positions. Born To Sell gives covered call traders some great ideas."
To read the full articles, see Buy-Write Is the Right Buy and Two New Ways to Make Money on
Diversifying With Healthcare Stocks
Healthcare stocks represent 10% of the S&P 500. Assuming you don't over-weight or under-weight the sector, they should make up around 10% of your portfolio. The good news is that many of them are large cap dividend payers, which is a category that many covered call investors enjoy. For some ideas, see our article on healthcare stocks for covered calls.
Ford Dividend
Ford Motor canceled its dividend in 2006 as it restructured itself. Now, five years later, Ford will pay a dividend of 5 cents per share with an ex-dividend date of January 27, 2012.
Ford does not yet have an investment grade debt rating, which prevents many institutional funds from owning the stock. But once Ford attains an investment grade rating there could be institutional demand for the shares that is missing today.
For some example covered calls on how to trade Ford, see our blog article onFord dividends.
Win $10,000 Of Trading Software
Born To Sell has been nominated for a trading software award! By voting you are automatically entered into a drawing for $10,000 of trading software. If you like our tools or site, please vote for usbefore January 31st in the
After you click the link, scroll down to the Trading Software category and we are listed as "Covered Call Investment Tools".
Thanks! And good luck in the free drawing!
BAC And 3 Other Covered Calls For Jan 21 Expiration
With just over 3 weeks to go until the Jan options expire, the top 4 covered calls Born To Sell members have written are (in order of popularity):
(Note: Born To Sell members have access to the full Top 10 Covered Call list, as well as having this list update real-time as members change positions. These are not recommendations, they are merely a reflection of our members' current positions.)
INTC And Other Covered Call Watchlist Stocks
Currently, the top 8 stocks Born To Sell members are using for their Watchlist are (in order of popularity):
(Note: Born To Sell members have access to the full Top 20 Watchlist, as well as having this list update real-time as members change their watchlists. And, you can have the highest yielding covered calls from your personal watchlist emailed to you after the close each day. Never miss a fat premium from your watchlist again!)
Want More Covered Call Goodness?
Born To Sell is dedicated to only one thing: Making Money With Covered Calls. Our subscribers have access to state-of-the-art covered call screeners and covered call portfolio management tools. For less than the profit of a single trade you could be enjoying recurring monthly income using our tools. Three subscription types to choose from:
Quarterly$149.95 (17% discount)
Annual$499.95 (31% discount)
Plus, all subscriptions begin with a no-obligation 2-week free trial. What are you waiting for? Start collecting premium today!
Happy Trading,
The Born To Sell Team
Follow us: Facebook | Twitter or see Demos Of Covered Call Tools (YouTube)

Bought more Celsion (clsn) stock

Sell The Call has purchased more Celsion (clsn) stock. This purchase decreased the cost basis of the stock.

- Don't forget to visit the web page for Sell The Call, like our Sell The Call Facebook Page and follow our Sell The Call Twitter page and our Sell The Call Stocktwits page!

- This information is not to be used as a recommendation to buy or sell. It is simply information and opinions. Before investing, please consult a financial professional. Sell The Call takes no responsibility for any losses or gains that occur from trades using its material.

- The account does not fully divulge all information (the size of shares bought and calls sold) on open trades. This is for protection of the trade. When the trade on a particular stock ends, the account will give the size information out. Please feel free to ask questions and Sell The Call will answer them the best way possible can without endangering the trade. THE ACCOUNT WILL NOT MISLEAD READERS TO CREATE A GAIN ON ITS TRADES!

- If you have any info regarding call selling, be sure to comment or send an email. The goal of the blog is to collaborate so that we all can accumulate wealth with the help of selling calls. Please pass the blog address to others that might find some value from it.

3 weeks left on current Alcoa trade Code Orange

There are 3 weeks left on the current Alcoa trade. The trade is currently Code Orange. The stock closed the week at $8.65. That is a decline of $0.20. The Jan 2012 $12.50 call ask price was unchanged at $0.02.

Earnings are to be released on Jan 9.

- Don't forget to visit the web page for Sell The Call, like our Sell The Call Facebook Page and follow our Sell The Call Twitter page and our Sell The Call Stocktwits page!

- This information is not to be used as a recommendation to buy or sell. It is simply information and opinions. Before investing, please consult a financial professional. Sell The Call takes no responsibility for any losses or gains that occur from trades using its material.

- The account does not fully divulge all information (the size of shares bought and calls sold) on open trades. This is for protection of the trade. When the trade on a particular stock ends, the account will give the size information out. Please feel free to ask questions and Sell The Call will answer them the best way possible can without endangering the trade. THE ACCOUNT WILL NOT MISLEAD READERS TO CREATE A GAIN ON ITS TRADES!

- If you have any info regarding call selling, be sure to comment or send an email. The goal of the blog is to collaborate so that we all can accumulate wealth with the help of selling calls. Please pass the blog address to others that might find some value from it.