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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ten dollar trades for March options


In doing some research using Optionsxpress' tools section, the account found some stocks in the 9-10 dollar range that have call values high enough to signal that a possible call selling opportunity is at hand. Here are five that the account found (written in no particular order.)

1) DAN - Dana Holding Corp - The stock price is now around $9.72. The March ten call is bid at $0.85.

2) GMXR - GMX Resources - The stock price is now around 9.85. The March $10.00 call is bid at $0.90.

3) SMN - UltraShort Basic Materials - The ETF is now at $9.55. The March $10.00 call is bid at $0.75.

4) UNG - Natural Gas - The ETF is now at $10.00. The March $10.00 call is bid at $0.62.

5) SEED - Origin Agritech Limited - This stock is now at $9.19. The March $10.00 call is bid at $0.65

The Account does not have a position in any of these stocks and has not traded these stocks in the past.

- This information is not to be used as a recommendation to buy or sell. It is simply information (and sometimes opinions) given to the reader of this blog. Before investing, please consult a financial professional. This blog takes no responsibility for any losses or gains occurred from trades that use its material.

- The account does not fully divulge all information on open trades. This is for protection of the trade. When the trade on a particular stock ends, the account will give out the rest of the details (stock name, price purchased, call purchased, news on company/ETF, chart info, etc.) Please feel free to ask questions and the account will answer them the best way possible can without endangering the trade. If you have any info regarding call selling, be sure to comment or send an email.

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